Flour and Sugar

I usually just use four kinds of flour, but would love to try out more.

White Spelt Flour

I think of it as the most important flour, as it is packed with protein, vitamins and minerals. It's the basis of most of my baking. I use it in pastries, pizzas, and all other baked goods. The only problem I have with it is that it makes the pastry too light and crumbly. That is why I usually mix it with durum flour.

Whole-Wheat Flour

I tried to make pastry from this at first, but it's too intense for it. I usually use it for bread now, but mix it with durum.

Durum Flour

Flour with high protein content. I often mix it in with whole wheat and spelt flour. It whitens the first, and thickens the later. I only buy dry pasta with semolina / durum wheat. It's often called Italian style. That also doesn't have any eggs in it.

Graham Flour

Flour high in minerals and vitamins. Interestingly enough, it was invented by Rev. Sylvester Graham, a Presbyterian minister. He thought that the flour bakers used for bread wasn't healthy. He was so right!
This has a very strong flavour, and a coarse texture. However, it's great instead of breadcrumbs. Perfect for breading chicken.

Unrefined Cane Sugar

I only use this type of sugar.
One reason for it is that it's the only thing left. I'm allergic to all artificial sweeteners. Xylitol, or birch sugar, causes diarrhoea. Not just with me, but it's actually really common. Brown sugar is just white sugar with added molasses.
The glycemic index is the same as regular sugar. It is different in that it still has the natural vitamin and mineral content, that refined sugar loses in the process. Especially vitamin B1, which is needed for our body when digesting sugar.

I know a lot of people say that cane sugar is just the same as any other sugar, but I have personal experience that says otherwise. At a time, I was having problems with panic attacks. I observed that I mostly had them when I had something sweet. I read about cane sugar, so I started only eating my own baked goods, and made everything with cane sugar, and the flours that I described above. The panic attacks almost stopped, and they could no longer be tied to my eating habits.
